Letter of Introduction to my Professor

Dear Professor Blackstone,

I am Carl Shane currently enrolled in your Critical Thinking and Communication class and am writing to you to introduce myself.

Prior to pursuing Mechanical Engineering here in SIT, I graduated with a Diploma in Engineering with Business. With knowledge and skills of mechanical engineering, I aim to contribute to the efforts towards a sustainable future by helping to engineer infrastructures, products and services particularly in the waste and energy sectors in my capacity as a mechanical engineer.

At the root of my interest in mechanical engineering lies my passion for the environment and sustainability as I would suggest with my most significant project yet; the development of a reverse vending machine (RVM) during my Diploma years. The machine collects and sorts plastic bottles and metal cans in exchange for incentive points which are intended to be used in participating businesses. This benefits both customer and shop owner whilst distributing the responsibility of recycling between the stakeholders. From ideation to construction, my teammates and I had to concur with each other in key decisions which necessitated much verbal and non-verbal communication. The project offered us a glimpse of how we might work together in the future with our professional team mates to realize a common goal and prompted me to pay closer attention to effective communication.

I seek to find a common ground with the people I meet and am an outcome-oriented person. These traits have served me well in my life and I would consider them my strengths. I could improve on organizing my thoughts so that I may understand and be understood easily and would say it is an area to be strengthened.

Under your tutelage sir, I hope to learn to communicate effectively and think better, for I believe clear thinking brings about clear communication.

Through this letter I hope you have a better insight of me, and I sincerely thank you for guiding me and I look forward to learning from you sir. 


Carl Shane


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi,it's Haowen here. I want to say you had done a good job on your letter. Your letter begins with a clear introduction and you also expresse a clear passion for environmental sustainability and the intention to contribute to a sustainable future as a mechanical engineer which shows a strong sense of purpose and alignment with the field. Your letter really provides a good overview of your background and interests,but it could benefit from more specific examples or anecdotes related to your strengths and areas for improvement.You can add some more detailed examples to make the letter more compelling.

    1. Hello Haowen! Thank you very much for reading through and your constructive comments . I do feel that I could have elaborated a little more on the examples and strengths . I will include it in my revision. Thank you very much!

  3. Hi Carl, your self-introduction explains your background, passion for sustainability, and your desire to improve your communication and critical thinking skills clearly. I really like the part where you provide specific examples, such as the development of the reverse vending machine (RVM), to illustrate your passion and experience. This adds depth and credibility to your introduction. It is a really well-composed letter!

    1. Hello Quanxin, thank you very much for taking time to read through and your analysis!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Carl, I wrote feedback on your post but it seems to have disappeared. Did you see it?

  6. Hi Carl, your introduction paints a clear picture of your engineering path and your commitment to sustainability, like your innovative reverse vending machine project. Your ability to find common ground with people and stay outcome-oriented are real strengths, even if you feel organizing thoughts could be smoother. It's fantastic to see how your experiences, like the RVM project, directly tie into your goals of effective communication and clear thinking.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Dear Carl,

    Thanks very much for the highly informative letter. I appreciate the level of detail, especially in the discussion of your worthwhile and unique project, its connection to sustainability and how that was also connected to teamwork and effective communication.

    There are a few lapses here in terms of the overuse of caps that you can attend to. In addition, if you could add some depth of elaboration to the areas of communication that you have provided, that would make this a stronger outing.

    Still, this is a fine post. I look forward to working with you further this term.

    Best wishes,


    1. Dear Prof Brad, thank you very much for your analysis and constructive comments. I do notice the lapses now and will elaborate further on the areas of communication in context and will revise accordingly. Thank you very much sir!


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